Aviator Resolutions for 2018
Join a gym? Lose weight? Quit (or reduce) drinking? Nah. Those New Year’s resolutions are way to cliché. Let’s take a stab at some aviation-specific ones.
A Good Pilot (or Scheduler, Dispatcher, Technician, etc.) is Always Learning
Even if you’re an aviation pro and lucky enough for your avocation to be your vocation, there’s always something new to learn.
How about adding a tailwheel endorsement or glider rating? Learning to fly a completely different aircraft can be a great way to keep stick and rudder skills sharp, plus re-energize your aviation passion.
You can also check out the many professional development programs from NBAA, and our own series of webinars that cover charts, weather and other topics.
Build Your Network
Aviation tends to be a small, tight knit community. How many friends from college or former jobs do you still run into?
Trade shows and other events throughout the year are a great way to catch up with old friends, make new ones and check out the latest industry advancements.
Here a just a few events to keep in mind for 2018:
NBAA International Operators Conference
NBAA European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE2018)
NBAA Latin American Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (LABACE2018)
NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE)
Pay it Forward
Most everyone in this business had some kind of break along the way. Whether it was simply being in the right place at the right time, or someone a few rungs up on the aviation career ladder providing guidance and mentorship.
There are many opportunities to get involved. How about helping with a Young Eagles event? Or taking a few minutes to talk with an aspiring pilot who’s pumping Jet A while building time.
What did we miss? Share your resolution ideas on our social channels.
Join a gym? Lose weight? Quit (or reduce) drinking? Nah. Those New Year’s resolutions are way to cliché. Let’s take a stab at some aviation-specific ones.
A Good Pilot (or Scheduler, Dispatcher, Technician, etc.) is Always Learning
Even if you’re an aviation pro and lucky enough for your avocation to be your vocation, there’s always something new to learn.
How about adding a tailwheel endorsement or glider rating? Learning to fly a completely different aircraft can be a great way to keep stick and rudder skills sharp, plus re-energize your aviation passion.
You can also check out the many professional development programs from NBAA, and our own series of webinars that cover charts, weather and other topics.
Build Your Network
Aviation tends to be a small, tight knit community. How many friends from college or former jobs do you still run into?
Trade shows and other events throughout the year are a great way to catch up with old friends, make new ones and check out the latest industry advancements.
Here a just a few events to keep in mind for 2018:
NBAA International Operators Conference
NBAA European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE2018)
NBAA Latin American Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (LABACE2018)
NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE)
Pay it Forward
Most everyone in this business had some kind of break along the way. Whether it was simply being in the right place at the right time, or someone a few rungs up on the aviation career ladder providing guidance and mentorship.
There are many opportunities to get involved. How about helping with a Young Eagles event? Or taking a few minutes to talk with an aspiring pilot who’s pumping Jet A while building time.
What did we miss? Share your resolution ideas on our social channels.