Global Region Review – May 2016
Vendor Relations Regional Review
MAY 2016
Any questions about the content in this review or any updates to TPS please ensure you notify:
vendorrelations@jeppesen.com (external email address)
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Twitter: @FlyWithJepp
Effective 01 January 2016, a sponsor letter is no longer required for Private flights operating into published airports within China. A sponsor letter and a navigator letter are still required for Private operations into unpublished airports, and should be issued by the local government of the destination city, or higher authority. The lead time for a permit to an unpublished airport is 7 business days. This change does NOT apply to maintenance or import/export ferry flights, and a sponsor letter is still required for those operations to published or unpublished airports. Technical stops to published airports do not require a sponsor letter, and usually only one tech stop within China is allowed. Requesting permission to tech stop at an unpublished airport is not recommended.
CAAC has a new automated system for requests, and the formats must be strictly adhered to. The trip planners will find the appropriate templates in TPS.
ZBAA / Beijing – Effective 01 January 2016, the Capital Jet Company (CJET) facility will be operated as CJET/Million Air in conjunction with Epic Aviation, who will be processing the Epic Card. Epic will partner with CNAF/China National Aviation Fuel to supply fuel for the FBO.
VHHH / Hong Kong – Effective 15 March 2016, slots requests must be submitted in the Online Coordination System (OCS). Operators or agents should register at www.online-coordination.com if they are not OCS members. Handling agents are not allowed to assist in securing these slots. Current guidelines for this process are on following site:http://www.hkgslot.gov.hk/Useful_Info.html.
GA/BA operators are advised to avoid operating within the night period 1400-2259Z until further notice. Slots for this period are allocated to scheduled airline
GENERAL – Any flights operating from a Zika infected area (South and Central America, Thailand etc.) must be sprayed for insects prior to landing in South Korea.
The Self-Disinfection Certificate must be completed and submitted to the Quarantine Officer upon arrival. The sample document is stored in Country/Documents/Self-Disinfection.
GENERAL – Operations for GA flights are becoming more difficult due to airport parking and slot restrictions at RKSI, RKSS, RKPK, and RKPC. Operators are required to secure a landing permit, arrival and departure slots, and parking confirmation. Slots and parking can only be requested 7 days before the operation date.
RKSS / Seoul Gimpo – Due to construction on airport taxiways and jet bridges until 31 March 2016, parking spots are limited to just 4 for GA. Aircraft types G4 and above are not allowed overnight parking, but can drop passengers and reposition if not impacting commercial flights. Smaller aircraft are able to park for a maximum of 3 days if space available. Check with handlers regarding availability.
A General Aviation Terminal is expected to be completed which will accommodate BA/GA traffic with a VIP facility, with hangar space, and dedicated BA parking
RJTT / Tokyo Haneda
· RJTT is increasing the number of available slots during daytime hours, which is between 0600L- 2300L (2100Z-1359Z) from 8 slots to 16 slots.
· Maximum parking duration will be shortened from 9 nights 10 days to 4 nights 5 days
· Aircraft operating between 2300-0559L (1400Z-2059Z) must be equipped with RNAV 1 and RNAV 5.
The following information has been excerpted from an AIN article 18 April 2016. The fees as stated below will also be applied to BA flights.
Malaysia’s Department of Civil Aviation has deferred plans to hike air navigation flight charges (ANFC) by a factor of 10 on airlines operating out of Malaysia. Originally scheduled to take effect April 15, the increase will now happen in stages over a still undefined period. It will cover the use of airspace and all other services provided by the agency to the carriers. It will even cover fees for pilots’ licenses.
Under the revised rates, light aircraft up to the ATR 72 will incur charges of 12.5 cents (U.S.) per nautical mile, while narrow body jets such as the Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 and wide bodies such as the A330 and 777 will see an increase from between 2.5 cents and 6.5 cents to between 25 cents and 62.5 cents. The rates for the Airbus A380 superjumbo will jump from 75 cents to $7.50 per nautical mile.
Effective March 24, 2016, the reciprocity fee created by Presidential decree 1654/2008 and regulated by Disposition DNM 2761/2009, will be suspended for 90 day period, or until an Executive Order be issued (as promoted by this National Directorate), for the derogation of this fee, as regards the US citizens entering Argentina territory.
Summer Olympics 05-12 August, Paralympics 07-18 Sept 2016
For planning flights to Brazil during these periods the allotment of slots for BA/GA flights is limited.
Airport slots will be required at all host cities: Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Brasilia, and Manaus.
In addition to the airport slots, aircraft parking must be coordinated in advance.
Cockpit crewmembers do not require a visa unless they are commercializing into Brazil. All other crewmembers (flight attendants, mechanics etc.) require a visa prior to arriving in Brazil. American passengers traveling as tourists are not required to have visas from 01 June – 18 Sept 2016
Lider Aviacao will have information posted on their website: http://rio2016.lideraviacao.com.br/.
Hotels are already at a premium and come with strict cancellation policies. Western chain hotels are already becoming unavailable.
Victoria Day Holiday will be celebrated in Canada on May 23 except for in NB, NS, NL and PEI. Consult the CANPASS hours on this day.
Visa-exempt foreign nationals who fly to or transit through Canada will need an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA). Exemptions include U.S. citizens and travelers with a valid visa. Aircraft operators that would like to know if they need to apply for an eTA or a visitor visa can visit the following link – http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/visas.asp.
Using the link above, a country of passport can be entered that a traveler plans to travel with to Canada and the system will then provide one of the three responses:
· You do not need a visa or an eTA to visit or transit Canada
· You need an eTA to visit or transit Canada by air.
· You need a visa to visit or transit Canada.
Note: Only U.S. citizens are exempt from eTA. All U.S. permanent residents DO need to apply for eTA if traveling by air.
(This officially started on March 15, 2016)
Cinco de Mayo will be celebrated in Mexico on May 05, 2016. DGAC, banks and businesses are closed on this day.
MMML / Valle Del Fuerte Intl – Airport closed as an alternate for aircraft with weight upper to 20,000 kg through May 16 at 0000Z per NOTAM.
MMTJ/ Gen Abelardo L Rodriguez Intl- RWY 09/27 closed through July 30 from 0900 – 1600Z daily per NOTAM.
Memorial Day Holiday on May 30, 2016 – consult Customs (CBP) hours of operation on this day.
KTPA / Tampa Intl – RWY 10/28 and RWY 01R/19L will both be closed through May 9, 2016 per NOTAMS. KTPA will only be down to one runway (RWY 01L/19R) and possible traffic congestion may occur during peak commercial air traffic periods.
The U.S. Visa Waiver Program (VWP) have made recent changes and more information on these changes can be viewed at –http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2016/01/251577.htm
In addition, the traveler covered by the restrictions in the law now needs to obtain a U.S. visa. The Act also requires all VWP travelers to have an electronic passport for travel to the U.S. by April 01, 2016.
U.S. TSA Waiver changes were recently made and links to the new NOTAMS FDC 6/4255, FDC 6/4256 and FDC 6/4260 are listed below for your review –
The Kentucky Derby will take place at Churchill Downs in Louisville, KY on May 07 2016 and airports in the area are KSDF and KLOU. Consult the NOTAMS for the FAA may issue a Special Air Traffic Management Program for this event and parking at the local FBO’s may become an issue as well as local hotel rooms and rental cars in the area.
The Indianapolis 500 will take place on May 28 2016 and airports in the area are KIND and KMQJ. Consult the local FBO’s and NOTAMS for GA traffic will increase from the Friday prior to the Monday after this event.
The PGA Memorial Tournament will take in Dublin, OH May 30 – June 5 and airports in the area are KCMH and KOSU.
TDPD / Douglas Charles Intl – Airport apron space is limited with a possibility of aircraft delays through May 03 2016 due to work in progress. All aircraft are advised to adhere to all ATC instructions per NOTAM.
Airport operational hours are now 1000–0000Z daily through June 16 per NOTAM.
Reminder – Direct non-scheduled flight (including private, Business & General Aviation) between Russia/Turkey, & Turkey/Russia and Russia/Ukraine & Ukraine/Russia are prohibited. This restriction applies to all operators, regardless of country of registration.
Over flight of Russian Airspace en-route to Ukraine is also prohibited.
URSS / Sochi – Russian F1 Grand Prix. and ASEAN Summit 27 April – 02 May and 19–30May and respectively.
Restrictions for Sochi Airport (URSS) have now been published for the above events taking place during May 2016.
Operators should expect heavy restrictions to be in force at Sochi Airport during the above periods.
During these dates Sochi Airport will only be available for arrival and departure of the following flights:
· Scheduled flights.
· Aircraft with head of states, government delegations on board.
· Aircraft of ministry of defense, ministry of internal affairs, federal security service detached to provide security of objects of state importance, SAR and rescue operations, Aircraft specially detached to render assistance for Formula 1
· Russian Grand Prix, including emergency situations.
· International and domestic charter flights including business aviation flights carrying out in the interest of Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix.
· Due to the ASEAN Summit Sochi 2016, and formula 1 Russian Grand Prix, parking of Aircraft carrying out
· Special or charter flights are restricted to:
– 1 hour for class 3 Aircraft or lower class Aircraft including Helicopters (MTOM 10-30 tons or less)
– 1.5 hours for class 2 Aircraft (MTOM 30-75 tons)
– 2 hours for class 1 Aircraft (MTOM 75 tons or greater), and not more than 6 hours for Aircraft carrying out cargo flights.
– 1 hour for all Business Aviation flights.
· Aircraft operators planning to carry out special or charter flight to Sochi ad during indicated period must obtain time slot from Aerodrome administration before Flight Plan submission.
· Time slot application for cargo flights must contain:
– Detailed cargo description.
– Information about consignor, consignee/receiving party and information in the interest of which participants and states Cargo is carried.
– Receiving party contacts: tel, fax, e-mail, full name of responsible officers.
– Information about necessary equipment for cargo handling operation and ground handling.
· Wide-body Aircraft with unserviceable aux power unit (APU) not accepted at aerodrome.
· New time slot must be obtained from Sochi ad administration before submission of Flight Plan in case of: change of arrival/departure time by 30 min or more, departure delay (DLA), change of Flight Plan (CHG).
· If airline/operator receives alternative time slot from ad administration and airport does not receive reply on the suggestion from Airline/Operator during 3 working days, airport will cancel time slot and notify airline about flight cancellation.
For longer term parking aircraft will be required to re-position to other airports.
ULLI /St Petersburg – Advance notice – 16–18 June Saint Petersburg will be hosting the annual International Economic Forum. During the period 15–19 June there will be heavy slot restrictions along with limited parking availability and high demand for services at ULLI International Airport. In order to secure the required services please give the handlers as much notice as possible and plan accordingly.
Reminder – From the 01 April 2016 the following information must be sent to the handling agent 24 hours from the planned STA in Romania. Failure to do so will result in fine.
– Full names of passengers.
– Date of Birth for all passengers.
– Passport numbers and expiry date for all passengers.
In case of last minute flights please speak with the handling agent first, normally it will not be an issue as long as the above information is available at the time of the initial request.
Reminder – Direct non-scheduled flight (including private, Business & General Aviation) between Russia/Turkey, & Turkey/Russia and Russia/Ukraine & Ukraine/Russia are prohibited. This restriction applies to all operators, regardless of country of registration.
DGAA / Accra Kotoka International – 22 March – 30 June 2016 – Runway 03/21 closed due WIP Daily 0100Z-0400Z.
FEFF / Bangul M’Poko – Night curfew daily between 2200-0500Z. Curfew has been extended until 20 June 2016. Jet A1 services remain unavailable.
FSIA / Seychelles International – Between 03 March – 31 Aug 2016 there are various planned runway closures for maintenance. Please check NOTAMS for latest prior to confirming a flight.
FAA/EASA advisories and restrictions remain in place for operations into, out of, and over the following countries and their associated FIRs.
Full and up to date information on all of the above can be found on the FAA website, prohibitions restrictions and notices page, the CFMU Network Operations Portal, EASA website, or in the relevant NOTAMS.
Monaco Historical Grand Prix: 13MAY-15MAY
Cannes Film Festival: 11MAY-22MAY
Monaco Grand Prix: 26MAY-29MAY
During the above dates the Airports (LFMN, LFMD, and LFML) will be at or near maximum capacity. Please submit requests early to make sure you get the slot and services you require. All requests will be treated on a first come first served basis. Hotels, transport and catering will be in high demand so arrangements should be made as soon as possible.
OJAI / Amman- 02 April – 28 August, 2016, Runway closures will be in force every Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday between 0001-0200Z due to WIP. Please check NOTAMS for any updates to the above.
UAE Flow Control Procedures in affect for OMAA, OMAD, OMAL, OMAM, OMDB, OMDW, OMRK and OMSJ from 0430-0730Z and 1500-2359Z daily through 27 June 2016 per OMAE FIR NOTAM A0555/16.
Vendor Relations Regional Review
MAY 2016
Any questions about the content in this review or any updates to TPS please ensure you notify:
vendorrelations@jeppesen.com (external email address)
Like Jeppesen Business Aviation on Facebook
Subscribe to the Jeppesen Business Aviation Newsletter today
Twitter: @FlyWithJepp
Effective 01 January 2016, a sponsor letter is no longer required for Private flights operating into published airports within China. A sponsor letter and a navigator letter are still required for Private operations into unpublished airports, and should be issued by the local government of the destination city, or higher authority. The lead time for a permit to an unpublished airport is 7 business days. This change does NOT apply to maintenance or import/export ferry flights, and a sponsor letter is still required for those operations to published or unpublished airports. Technical stops to published airports do not require a sponsor letter, and usually only one tech stop within China is allowed. Requesting permission to tech stop at an unpublished airport is not recommended.
CAAC has a new automated system for requests, and the formats must be strictly adhered to. The trip planners will find the appropriate templates in TPS.
ZBAA / Beijing – Effective 01 January 2016, the Capital Jet Company (CJET) facility will be operated as CJET/Million Air in conjunction with Epic Aviation, who will be processing the Epic Card. Epic will partner with CNAF/China National Aviation Fuel to supply fuel for the FBO.
VHHH / Hong Kong – Effective 15 March 2016, slots requests must be submitted in the Online Coordination System (OCS). Operators or agents should register at www.online-coordination.com if they are not OCS members. Handling agents are not allowed to assist in securing these slots. Current guidelines for this process are on following site:http://www.hkgslot.gov.hk/Useful_Info.html.
GA/BA operators are advised to avoid operating within the night period 1400-2259Z until further notice. Slots for this period are allocated to scheduled airline
GENERAL – Any flights operating from a Zika infected area (South and Central America, Thailand etc.) must be sprayed for insects prior to landing in South Korea.
The Self-Disinfection Certificate must be completed and submitted to the Quarantine Officer upon arrival. The sample document is stored in Country/Documents/Self-Disinfection.
GENERAL – Operations for GA flights are becoming more difficult due to airport parking and slot restrictions at RKSI, RKSS, RKPK, and RKPC. Operators are required to secure a landing permit, arrival and departure slots, and parking confirmation. Slots and parking can only be requested 7 days before the operation date.
RKSS / Seoul Gimpo – Due to construction on airport taxiways and jet bridges until 31 March 2016, parking spots are limited to just 4 for GA. Aircraft types G4 and above are not allowed overnight parking, but can drop passengers and reposition if not impacting commercial flights. Smaller aircraft are able to park for a maximum of 3 days if space available. Check with handlers regarding availability.
A General Aviation Terminal is expected to be completed which will accommodate BA/GA traffic with a VIP facility, with hangar space, and dedicated BA parking
RJTT / Tokyo Haneda
· RJTT is increasing the number of available slots during daytime hours, which is between 0600L- 2300L (2100Z-1359Z) from 8 slots to 16 slots.
· Maximum parking duration will be shortened from 9 nights 10 days to 4 nights 5 days
· Aircraft operating between 2300-0559L (1400Z-2059Z) must be equipped with RNAV 1 and RNAV 5.
The following information has been excerpted from an AIN article 18 April 2016. The fees as stated below will also be applied to BA flights.
Malaysia’s Department of Civil Aviation has deferred plans to hike air navigation flight charges (ANFC) by a factor of 10 on airlines operating out of Malaysia. Originally scheduled to take effect April 15, the increase will now happen in stages over a still undefined period. It will cover the use of airspace and all other services provided by the agency to the carriers. It will even cover fees for pilots’ licenses.
Under the revised rates, light aircraft up to the ATR 72 will incur charges of 12.5 cents (U.S.) per nautical mile, while narrow body jets such as the Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 and wide bodies such as the A330 and 777 will see an increase from between 2.5 cents and 6.5 cents to between 25 cents and 62.5 cents. The rates for the Airbus A380 superjumbo will jump from 75 cents to $7.50 per nautical mile.
Effective March 24, 2016, the reciprocity fee created by Presidential decree 1654/2008 and regulated by Disposition DNM 2761/2009, will be suspended for 90 day period, or until an Executive Order be issued (as promoted by this National Directorate), for the derogation of this fee, as regards the US citizens entering Argentina territory.
Summer Olympics 05-12 August, Paralympics 07-18 Sept 2016
For planning flights to Brazil during these periods the allotment of slots for BA/GA flights is limited.
Airport slots will be required at all host cities: Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Brasilia, and Manaus.
In addition to the airport slots, aircraft parking must be coordinated in advance.
Cockpit crewmembers do not require a visa unless they are commercializing into Brazil. All other crewmembers (flight attendants, mechanics etc.) require a visa prior to arriving in Brazil. American passengers traveling as tourists are not required to have visas from 01 June – 18 Sept 2016
Lider Aviacao will have information posted on their website: http://rio2016.lideraviacao.com.br/.
Hotels are already at a premium and come with strict cancellation policies. Western chain hotels are already becoming unavailable.
Victoria Day Holiday will be celebrated in Canada on May 23 except for in NB, NS, NL and PEI. Consult the CANPASS hours on this day.
Visa-exempt foreign nationals who fly to or transit through Canada will need an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA). Exemptions include U.S. citizens and travelers with a valid visa. Aircraft operators that would like to know if they need to apply for an eTA or a visitor visa can visit the following link – http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/visas.asp.
Using the link above, a country of passport can be entered that a traveler plans to travel with to Canada and the system will then provide one of the three responses:
· You do not need a visa or an eTA to visit or transit Canada
· You need an eTA to visit or transit Canada by air.
· You need a visa to visit or transit Canada.
Note: Only U.S. citizens are exempt from eTA. All U.S. permanent residents DO need to apply for eTA if traveling by air.
(This officially started on March 15, 2016)
Cinco de Mayo will be celebrated in Mexico on May 05, 2016. DGAC, banks and businesses are closed on this day.
MMML / Valle Del Fuerte Intl – Airport closed as an alternate for aircraft with weight upper to 20,000 kg through May 16 at 0000Z per NOTAM.
MMTJ/ Gen Abelardo L Rodriguez Intl- RWY 09/27 closed through July 30 from 0900 – 1600Z daily per NOTAM.
Memorial Day Holiday on May 30, 2016 – consult Customs (CBP) hours of operation on this day.
KTPA / Tampa Intl – RWY 10/28 and RWY 01R/19L will both be closed through May 9, 2016 per NOTAMS. KTPA will only be down to one runway (RWY 01L/19R) and possible traffic congestion may occur during peak commercial air traffic periods.
The U.S. Visa Waiver Program (VWP) have made recent changes and more information on these changes can be viewed at –http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2016/01/251577.htm
In addition, the traveler covered by the restrictions in the law now needs to obtain a U.S. visa. The Act also requires all VWP travelers to have an electronic passport for travel to the U.S. by April 01, 2016.
U.S. TSA Waiver changes were recently made and links to the new NOTAMS FDC 6/4255, FDC 6/4256 and FDC 6/4260 are listed below for your review –
The Kentucky Derby will take place at Churchill Downs in Louisville, KY on May 07 2016 and airports in the area are KSDF and KLOU. Consult the NOTAMS for the FAA may issue a Special Air Traffic Management Program for this event and parking at the local FBO’s may become an issue as well as local hotel rooms and rental cars in the area.
The Indianapolis 500 will take place on May 28 2016 and airports in the area are KIND and KMQJ. Consult the local FBO’s and NOTAMS for GA traffic will increase from the Friday prior to the Monday after this event.
The PGA Memorial Tournament will take in Dublin, OH May 30 – June 5 and airports in the area are KCMH and KOSU.
TDPD / Douglas Charles Intl – Airport apron space is limited with a possibility of aircraft delays through May 03 2016 due to work in progress. All aircraft are advised to adhere to all ATC instructions per NOTAM.
Airport operational hours are now 1000–0000Z daily through June 16 per NOTAM.
Reminder – Direct non-scheduled flight (including private, Business & General Aviation) between Russia/Turkey, & Turkey/Russia and Russia/Ukraine & Ukraine/Russia are prohibited. This restriction applies to all operators, regardless of country of registration.
Over flight of Russian Airspace en-route to Ukraine is also prohibited.
URSS / Sochi – Russian F1 Grand Prix. and ASEAN Summit 27 April – 02 May and 19–30May and respectively.
Restrictions for Sochi Airport (URSS) have now been published for the above events taking place during May 2016.
Operators should expect heavy restrictions to be in force at Sochi Airport during the above periods.
During these dates Sochi Airport will only be available for arrival and departure of the following flights:
· Scheduled flights.
· Aircraft with head of states, government delegations on board.
· Aircraft of ministry of defense, ministry of internal affairs, federal security service detached to provide security of objects of state importance, SAR and rescue operations, Aircraft specially detached to render assistance for Formula 1
· Russian Grand Prix, including emergency situations.
· International and domestic charter flights including business aviation flights carrying out in the interest of Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix.
· Due to the ASEAN Summit Sochi 2016, and formula 1 Russian Grand Prix, parking of Aircraft carrying out
· Special or charter flights are restricted to:
– 1 hour for class 3 Aircraft or lower class Aircraft including Helicopters (MTOM 10-30 tons or less)
– 1.5 hours for class 2 Aircraft (MTOM 30-75 tons)
– 2 hours for class 1 Aircraft (MTOM 75 tons or greater), and not more than 6 hours for Aircraft carrying out cargo flights.
– 1 hour for all Business Aviation flights.
· Aircraft operators planning to carry out special or charter flight to Sochi ad during indicated period must obtain time slot from Aerodrome administration before Flight Plan submission.
· Time slot application for cargo flights must contain:
– Detailed cargo description.
– Information about consignor, consignee/receiving party and information in the interest of which participants and states Cargo is carried.
– Receiving party contacts: tel, fax, e-mail, full name of responsible officers.
– Information about necessary equipment for cargo handling operation and ground handling.
· Wide-body Aircraft with unserviceable aux power unit (APU) not accepted at aerodrome.
· New time slot must be obtained from Sochi ad administration before submission of Flight Plan in case of: change of arrival/departure time by 30 min or more, departure delay (DLA), change of Flight Plan (CHG).
· If airline/operator receives alternative time slot from ad administration and airport does not receive reply on the suggestion from Airline/Operator during 3 working days, airport will cancel time slot and notify airline about flight cancellation.
For longer term parking aircraft will be required to re-position to other airports.
ULLI /St Petersburg – Advance notice – 16–18 June Saint Petersburg will be hosting the annual International Economic Forum. During the period 15–19 June there will be heavy slot restrictions along with limited parking availability and high demand for services at ULLI International Airport. In order to secure the required services please give the handlers as much notice as possible and plan accordingly.
Reminder – From the 01 April 2016 the following information must be sent to the handling agent 24 hours from the planned STA in Romania. Failure to do so will result in fine.
– Full names of passengers.
– Date of Birth for all passengers.
– Passport numbers and expiry date for all passengers.
In case of last minute flights please speak with the handling agent first, normally it will not be an issue as long as the above information is available at the time of the initial request.
Reminder – Direct non-scheduled flight (including private, Business & General Aviation) between Russia/Turkey, & Turkey/Russia and Russia/Ukraine & Ukraine/Russia are prohibited. This restriction applies to all operators, regardless of country of registration.
DGAA / Accra Kotoka International – 22 March – 30 June 2016 – Runway 03/21 closed due WIP Daily 0100Z-0400Z.
FEFF / Bangul M’Poko – Night curfew daily between 2200-0500Z. Curfew has been extended until 20 June 2016. Jet A1 services remain unavailable.
FSIA / Seychelles International – Between 03 March – 31 Aug 2016 there are various planned runway closures for maintenance. Please check NOTAMS for latest prior to confirming a flight.
FAA/EASA advisories and restrictions remain in place for operations into, out of, and over the following countries and their associated FIRs.
Full and up to date information on all of the above can be found on the FAA website, prohibitions restrictions and notices page, the CFMU Network Operations Portal, EASA website, or in the relevant NOTAMS.
Monaco Historical Grand Prix: 13MAY-15MAY
Cannes Film Festival: 11MAY-22MAY
Monaco Grand Prix: 26MAY-29MAY
During the above dates the Airports (LFMN, LFMD, and LFML) will be at or near maximum capacity. Please submit requests early to make sure you get the slot and services you require. All requests will be treated on a first come first served basis. Hotels, transport and catering will be in high demand so arrangements should be made as soon as possible.
OJAI / Amman- 02 April – 28 August, 2016, Runway closures will be in force every Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday between 0001-0200Z due to WIP. Please check NOTAMS for any updates to the above.
UAE Flow Control Procedures in affect for OMAA, OMAD, OMAL, OMAM, OMDB, OMDW, OMRK and OMSJ from 0430-0730Z and 1500-2359Z daily through 27 June 2016 per OMAE FIR NOTAM A0555/16.