Hong Kong Slot Availibility
The Airport have advised that they expect Slot and parking availability for VHHH to be sufficient for demand during Christmas holiday and Chinese New Year.
In addition, recent events in Hong Kong have meant that reduced demand for slots has freed up availability for the winter season as some operators reduce of cancel services. In response to this the Airport are allowing GA/BA operators, to request any of these unused or cancelled daytime slots up to 2 days in advance using the “ASK US” section in the OCS system
Slots for last minute (within 48hours from STD) should be applied through this “ASK US” section in the OCS system. Last minute request will be processed by the CAAC in the normal way.
Night slots:
2200L-0659L, there are 9 available slots for Aircraft types in Annex 3 of Schedule Coordination Guidelines.
0001L-0459L, there are an extra 6 available slots (in addition to the above 9 slots) for any type of aircraft, giving a total of 15 available night slots.
For aircraft type larger than D, the longest duration for parking is 6 hours.
The parking duration for aircraft types smaller than D, is up to 14 days. When you request parking on the BAPS website and only your requested arrival time is available, the CAA will issue a 7 days approval for parking, if you require parking for a longer period you must remember to request an extension on BAPS system.
The Airport have advised that they expect Slot and parking availability for VHHH to be sufficient for demand during Christmas holiday and Chinese New Year.
In addition, recent events in Hong Kong have meant that reduced demand for slots has freed up availability for the winter season as some operators reduce of cancel services. In response to this the Airport are allowing GA/BA operators, to request any of these unused or cancelled daytime slots up to 2 days in advance using the “ASK US” section in the OCS system
Slots for last minute (within 48hours from STD) should be applied through this “ASK US” section in the OCS system. Last minute request will be processed by the CAAC in the normal way.
Night slots:
2200L-0659L, there are 9 available slots for Aircraft types in Annex 3 of Schedule Coordination Guidelines.
0001L-0459L, there are an extra 6 available slots (in addition to the above 9 slots) for any type of aircraft, giving a total of 15 available night slots.
For aircraft type larger than D, the longest duration for parking is 6 hours.
The parking duration for aircraft types smaller than D, is up to 14 days. When you request parking on the BAPS website and only your requested arrival time is available, the CAA will issue a 7 days approval for parking, if you require parking for a longer period you must remember to request an extension on BAPS system.