Jeppesen data services for Garmin GPS 175/GNX 375
Jeppesen offers NavData, Basemap, Obstacles, SafeTaxi and Terrain for both units.
The GPS 175 is a standalone certified IFR and VFR navigator with WAAS and LPV (Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance) approaches.
The GNX 375 offers all the capabilities of the GPS 175 plus ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast) In/Out via a built-in transponder.

These navigators cannot display charts, however, in combination with other Garmin units (GTN, etc.) our Jeppesen charts can be displayed in the cockpit. And, if you have a Garmin Pilot app Premium subscription, also on iPad and iPhone.
To help us process your order, please have your tail number, make and model information available.
Jeppesen offers NavData, Basemap, Obstacles, SafeTaxi and Terrain for both units.
The GPS 175 is a standalone certified IFR and VFR navigator with WAAS and LPV (Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance) approaches.
The GNX 375 offers all the capabilities of the GPS 175 plus ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast) In/Out via a built-in transponder.
These navigators cannot display charts, however, in combination with other Garmin units (GTN, etc.) our Jeppesen charts can be displayed in the cockpit. And, if you have a Garmin Pilot app Premium subscription, also on iPad and iPhone.
To help us process your order, please have your tail number, make and model information available.
I currently have Jepp subscription for my Garmin 430, will I need an additional subscription if I add a 175? How will that work in terms of data bases?
Thanks, Jay
Hello Jay,
Thank you for using our products. In order to give you the best options for your operations, please contact fra-services@jeppesen.com.
-Jeppesen Team