New with Jeppesen: Part 1 – Our Product Range
With many new subscribers to our General Aviation Newsletter we want to start a small series to inform you about Jeppesen and what we can do for you. This information is only high-level, please contact us for detailed information matching your individual needs at fra-services@jeppesen.com.
Charting Services:
We believe in an electronic charting future, however, we try to meet your local needs as much as possible by still offering paper charts (Jeppesen Airway Manual), electronic charts for computers and iOS mobile devices (JeppView), plus various cockpit avionics (JeppView MFD) and pure iOS mobile devices (Mobile FliteDeck).
Charts (Enroute, Area, Approach, SIDs, STARs, Airport) and text are available for IFR and VFR.
Annual services and one-time trip kits are available; electronic trip kits only on top of an active electronic annual service. We have regional coverage offers starting with your own country (VFR) to international (VFR and IFR) and intercontinental (IFR).
We offer solutions for one or four installations – plus one if you have a specified avionic unit. Let’s find out your needs: printing, back-up, using more than one of the following apps on one or more devices (ForeFlight Mobile, GarminPilot, Avidyne IFD100 and Jeppesen Mobile FD) or sharing with a co-pilot.
Trials: for some products you can get a 28-day trial, please contact us!
Flight planning:
After the retirement of FliteStar, we recommend ForeFlight Mobile with different versions for Private Pilots and Business Pilots. Private Pilots can chose between three versions, called plans, from basic to very sophisticated features at different prices.
If you have a Jeppesen chart subscription, our charts and text can be displayed in ForeFlight Mobile.
“Annual” services are available.
Trials: a 28-day trial is possible, please contact us!
Avionics Navigation Services:
We support the following avionics: Advanced Flight Systems, Aspen, Avidyne, Bendix King, Dynon, FreeFlight/Trimble/Apollo, Garmin, Genesys/Cobham/Chelton, Grand Rapids, L-3, MGL and Sagem
Data types (depending on the avionics): NavData, Obstacles, Cultural, Basemap, Terrain, Safe Taxi, Airport Directory
Depending on the avionics, either as single service (“a la carte”) or as price-reduced bundle (containing all data types).
There are some special editions for helicopters available.
Annual services and one-time updates are available.
Along with price-reduced navigation bundles (see Avionics), price-reduced bundles combining navigation and charting are also available.
Currently the offers are limited to bundles for special Avidyne and Garmin avionics.
All data will be available in the intended cockpit unit(s) and on mobile devices, charts also on computers.
Charts can also be displayed on ForeFlight Mobile, Avidyne IFD100, Garmin Pilot and Jeppesen Mobile FliteDeck.
Annual services are available.
Training products:
Along with books and e-books on various aviation topics and courseware for special cockpit units and aircraft, we offer training solutions for various pilot licenses (either as printed or as e-books, plus the related practice test questions, or packages of both):
- EASA Light Aircraft Pilot License / Private Pilot License
- EASA Commercial Pilot License
- EASA Instrument Rating Series
- EASA Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) – both modular and integrated
- FAA Private / Instrument / Commercial
- FAA Airline Transport Pilot License (ATP)
In German and/or English. For our private pilot licenses we have partnered with Aircademy, which is also providing the official question bank for recreational pilot licenses in several countries in Europe and Africa. Test prep is available for a variety of different licenses, including:
- PPL(H)
- UL
We also offer special student “kits” combining textbooks, test prep and relevant pilot supplies.
We have offerings for students and instructors alike.
Pilot supplies & accessories:
- Products for our pilot license students.
- Products for our paper & electronic charting services, like binders and special printing paper.
- Accessories like bags, flight cases, knee boards and log books.
Related to the complexity and the multiple options we can create for your individual needs, please understand that this is just an overview of our products and services offered. We are happy to consult you identifying your best options. Just contact us!
Topics coming in the next Newsletters: coverage options – change needs – information/purchase/service – payments & financials – access to your data – events/specials/cooperation – Why Jeppesen charts
Please stay tuned or contact us ahead at fra-services@jeppesen.com
With many new subscribers to our General Aviation Newsletter we want to start a small series to inform you about Jeppesen and what we can do for you. This information is only high-level, please contact us for detailed information matching your individual needs at fra-services@jeppesen.com.
Charting Services:
We believe in an electronic charting future, however, we try to meet your local needs as much as possible by still offering paper charts (Jeppesen Airway Manual), electronic charts for computers and iOS mobile devices (JeppView), plus various cockpit avionics (JeppView MFD) and pure iOS mobile devices (Mobile FliteDeck).
Charts (Enroute, Area, Approach, SIDs, STARs, Airport) and text are available for IFR and VFR.
Annual services and one-time trip kits are available; electronic trip kits only on top of an active electronic annual service. We have regional coverage offers starting with your own country (VFR) to international (VFR and IFR) and intercontinental (IFR).
We offer solutions for one or four installations – plus one if you have a specified avionic unit. Let’s find out your needs: printing, back-up, using more than one of the following apps on one or more devices (ForeFlight Mobile, GarminPilot, Avidyne IFD100 and Jeppesen Mobile FD) or sharing with a co-pilot.
Trials: for some products you can get a 28-day trial, please contact us!
Flight planning:
After the retirement of FliteStar, we recommend ForeFlight Mobile with different versions for Private Pilots and Business Pilots. Private Pilots can chose between three versions, called plans, from basic to very sophisticated features at different prices.
If you have a Jeppesen chart subscription, our charts and text can be displayed in ForeFlight Mobile.
“Annual” services are available.
Trials: a 28-day trial is possible, please contact us!
Avionics Navigation Services:
We support the following avionics: Advanced Flight Systems, Aspen, Avidyne, Bendix King, Dynon, FreeFlight/Trimble/Apollo, Garmin, Genesys/Cobham/Chelton, Grand Rapids, L-3, MGL and Sagem
Data types (depending on the avionics): NavData, Obstacles, Cultural, Basemap, Terrain, Safe Taxi, Airport Directory
Depending on the avionics, either as single service (“a la carte”) or as price-reduced bundle (containing all data types).
There are some special editions for helicopters available.
Annual services and one-time updates are available.
Along with price-reduced navigation bundles (see Avionics), price-reduced bundles combining navigation and charting are also available.
Currently the offers are limited to bundles for special Avidyne and Garmin avionics.
All data will be available in the intended cockpit unit(s) and on mobile devices, charts also on computers.
Charts can also be displayed on ForeFlight Mobile, Avidyne IFD100, Garmin Pilot and Jeppesen Mobile FliteDeck.
Annual services are available.
Training products:
Along with books and e-books on various aviation topics and courseware for special cockpit units and aircraft, we offer training solutions for various pilot licenses (either as printed or as e-books, plus the related practice test questions, or packages of both):
- EASA Light Aircraft Pilot License / Private Pilot License
- EASA Commercial Pilot License
- EASA Instrument Rating Series
- EASA Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) – both modular and integrated
- FAA Private / Instrument / Commercial
- FAA Airline Transport Pilot License (ATP)
In German and/or English. For our private pilot licenses we have partnered with Aircademy, which is also providing the official question bank for recreational pilot licenses in several countries in Europe and Africa. Test prep is available for a variety of different licenses, including:
- PPL(H)
- UL
We also offer special student “kits” combining textbooks, test prep and relevant pilot supplies.
We have offerings for students and instructors alike.
Pilot supplies & accessories:
- Products for our pilot license students.
- Products for our paper & electronic charting services, like binders and special printing paper.
- Accessories like bags, flight cases, knee boards and log books.
Related to the complexity and the multiple options we can create for your individual needs, please understand that this is just an overview of our products and services offered. We are happy to consult you identifying your best options. Just contact us!
Topics coming in the next Newsletters: coverage options – change needs – information/purchase/service – payments & financials – access to your data – events/specials/cooperation – Why Jeppesen charts
Please stay tuned or contact us ahead at fra-services@jeppesen.com