Visit Jeppesen at NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference: 29 January – 01 February 2019
If you are attending this year’s NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference in San Antonio, Texas, please stop by our booth to meet our staff and see what’s new in business aviation from Jeppesen, including Jeppesen Operator 2.0 plus Customized Trip Planning, Dispatch and Fueling solutions.
Below is our booth information, as well as times and location of Jeppesen-hosted events at NBAA S&D 2019.
The Boeing Company Booth – Booth #2031
Whether you’re looking for product demos, new product announcements, or company news, we’ll have the right solution for your operation.
Afternoon Cupcake Break & Prize Drawing: Wednesday, January 30th from 3:30-5:00pm (Booth #2031)
Presentations at NBAA S&D 2019
Wednesday, January 30th, 1:00-2:30pm
Beyond the Buzz: How Technology is Changing Business Aviation
Presented by: James Spadaro, OneSky; David Purvis, Boeing
Location: Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Meeting Room #3 (217A)
The future is here and it’s affecting everything from flight planning to business transactions. Cut through the jargon and learn how unmanned operations, cryptocurrencies, virtual reality, alternative energies and more are impacting the industry.
If you are attending this year’s NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference in San Antonio, Texas, please stop by our booth to meet our staff and see what’s new in business aviation from Jeppesen, including Jeppesen Operator 2.0 plus Customized Trip Planning, Dispatch and Fueling solutions.
Below is our booth information, as well as times and location of Jeppesen-hosted events at NBAA S&D 2019.
The Boeing Company Booth – Booth #2031
Whether you’re looking for product demos, new product announcements, or company news, we’ll have the right solution for your operation.
Afternoon Cupcake Break & Prize Drawing: Wednesday, January 30th from 3:30-5:00pm (Booth #2031)
Presentations at NBAA S&D 2019
Wednesday, January 30th, 1:00-2:30pm
Beyond the Buzz: How Technology is Changing Business Aviation
Presented by: James Spadaro, OneSky; David Purvis, Boeing
Location: Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, Meeting Room #3 (217A)
The future is here and it’s affecting everything from flight planning to business transactions. Cut through the jargon and learn how unmanned operations, cryptocurrencies, virtual reality, alternative energies and more are impacting the industry.