Global Engagement Support Options and Details
Seeking Support from Jeppesen
Jeppesen is an integral part of its communities around the world. Through strategic philanthropy, Jeppesen provides business-related cash or in-kind donations of products, services and sponsorships.
We place emphasis on sustainable, scalable, and replicable programs often beyond the period of investment.
Our focus is on programs that are catalysts for positive and systemic change infused with a broad base of community support.
Cash Donation Criteria:
We support projects and programs that align with one or more of our four focus areas and corresponding objectives:
- Our Future. Tomorrow’s Innovators: We are committed to helping children and youth achieve their potential. This includes educational and support programs that promote academic success, independence and economic sustainability.
- Our Heroes. Veteran’s and Their Families: We are committed to supporting our armed forces after their service is complete. We want to help our veterans and their families’ transition successfully into civilian life.
- Our Homes. Dynamic Communities: We focus our expertise and employee volunteerism on issues that are important to our global sites.
- Industry. We invest in non-profit industry-related programs that increase aviation involvement at all age levels (children through adults), programs that promote and support STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) learning and fund raising events.
In-Kind Donation Criteria:
Working together, Jeppesen and non-profit / non-government (NGO) organizations partner throughout the world to bring humanitarian goods and services to people in need.
- We provide our charts and services to these organizations to enable them to provide transportation for humanitarian purposes.
- We donate pilot training materials to organizations using aviation to teach youth math and science skills.
- We support volunteer pilot organizations on a mission by mission basis. We have put into place a system by which the pilot can complete a request form outlining the mission information, i.e., date of mission, departure airport, arrival airport, organization, mission number, etc., and then submit it to Jeppesen for processing. In this manner, we serve the greater pilot population versus one specific pilot and their respective airplane.
Sponsorship proposals are evaluated against six general criteria. These criteria have been developed to ensure that Jeppesen establishes sponsorship relationships that will mutually benefit Jeppesen and the receiving organization.
Proposals are evaluated for:
- Tangible benefits associated with the partnership.
- Opportunity to create long-term value.
- Ability to reach targeted audiences and build relationships.
- Positive exposure for the Jeppesen brand.
- Potential to be leveraged with additional resource investment.
- Potential for long-term, sustainable partnership or relationship.
Ineligible Activities
We regret that we are unable to support the following types of activities because they do not meet the criteria we’ve set for our global engagement program:
- Organizations with practices that are inconsistent with company goals and policies.
- Organizations that denigrate or advocate discrimination or violence toward any racial, ethnic, or cultural group.
- Political candidates or organizations.
- Religious activities, in whole or in part, for the purpose of furthering religious doctrine.
- Faith-based organizations must provide services to all clients regardless of denomination and without expectation of clients’ participation in religious activities.
- Capital campaigns, memorials, and endowments.
- For-profit businesses, including third-party fundraisers, or public institutions.
- U.S. hospitals, hospital foundations, medical research, and health-related awareness campaigns.
We do not support individuals or families, including:
- Dissertations and student research projects.
- Loans, scholarships, fellowships, and grants to individuals.
- Travel expenses.
- Adoption services.
Also, we do not support individual schools or programs serving schools, including:
- School-affiliated orchestras, bands, choirs, athletic teams, drama groups, yearbooks, or class parties Travel, competitions, or field trips.
- Student tuition or tuition-based extracurricular programs.
- Nonprofit- and school-sponsored walk-a-thons, athletic events, and athletic group sponsorships other than Special Olympics.
- Advertising, T-shirts, giveaways, and promotional items.
- Printing for auction booklets, tickets, or one-time use items (e.g. invitations or flyers).
- Door prizes or raffles.
- Athletic events and teams.
- Debt reduction.
- Computing equipment.
- Documentary films and publications.
- Media campaigns and advertising.
- Gifts, honoraria, gratuities, and awards.
- Individual cultural and ethnic festivals and community theaters, choral groups, and orchestras.
Application Process and Timing
Organizations are welcome to submit a request for a business-related cash donation or in-kind donation of products or services or sponsorship to Jeppesen.
- Please note that because of the volume of requests that we receive we can no longer accept business-related cash or in-kind donations of products or services or sponsorship requests by telephone or mail. In order to be considered for a donation, applicants must complete our online donation request form.
- Before submitting any inquiry, be sure to review the cash donation, in-kind donation and sponsorship criteria above. Please make sure your request is not listed in the Ineligible Activities list above.
- Proposals are reviewed on a regular basis. The requesting organization should hear from Jeppesen within two weeks of receipt of the inquiry. If there is a need for additional information, Jeppesen will contact the organization directly.
- Applicants must allow six months between application and the sponsored event to enable Jeppesen to appropriately plan our participation.
To learn more about our global engagement, send us an email at