Jeppesen and Dassault Falcon Software Solution Optimizes Flight Preparation and Aircraft Performance

Falcon Perf performance tool paired with Jeppesen data enhances the overall flight process
EBACE, Geneva, Switzerland | 22 May 2013 | By Jeppesen
Jeppesen, a part of Boeing Digital Aviation, and Dassault Falcon today introduce a new version of its software solution to further optimize the flight preparation and performance calculation process for users of Falcon EASy Flight Deck series avionics.
The Falcon Perf takeoff and landing tool from Dassault integrates Jeppesen navigation data to increase operational efficiency and reduce pilot workload. The new version of Falcon Perf will run on a Windows 7 64-bit operating system and be compatible with the upgraded EASy II avionics suite, which was recently approved for use on all Falcon EASy aircraft. It will be available on 7X, 900DX/LX/EX EASy and 2000DX/LX/EX EASy models. Availability of the previous Windows XP 32-bit variant was limited to the Falcon 7X, 900EX EASy and Falcon 2000 EX EASy. The new Falcon Perf version is expected to be available for operators this summer.
Falcon Perf powered by Jeppesen data helps operators simplify pre-flight preparations and calculate takeoff and landing performance, in compliance with Dassault’s aircraft flight manual and operational regulations.
“Operators using EASy Flight Deck avionics backed with Jeppesen data and the Falcon Perf optimization tool receive essential airport data and runway analysis details as part of their operational flight information,” said Scott Reagan, director, Jeppesen OEM Client Management. “This solution reduces workload for Dassault Falcon flight crews, reduces paper-based materials in the cockpit and increases overall efficiency.”
Jeppesen airport data derived from NavData® navigation information and OpsData departure procedures are included in the solution, providing worldwide flight information. Takeoff and landing data cards are outlined by the tool as part of the aircraft performance calculations, while maximum takeoff and landing weights are also determined, per Dassault aircraft flight manual requirements. The Falcon Perf and Jeppesen solution also takes into consideration declared runway characteristics, departure procedure or missed approach climb requirements and obstacle data as part of the operational flight information package.
Jeppesen NavData is developed from a comprehensive aviation database, which is composed of more than one million records. To ensure accuracy, Jeppesen flight information analysts edit and verify approximately 150,000 database transactions generated from worldwide aviation data source documents during every 28-day revision cycle.
For more information on the industry-leading navigation, operations, training and optimization solutions provided by Jeppesen, please visit
About Jeppesen
For more than 75 years Jeppesen has made it possible for pilots and their passengers to safely and efficiently reach their destinations. Today, this pioneering spirit continues as Jeppesen delivers transformative information and optimization solutions to improve the efficiency of air and sea operations around the globe. Jeppesen is a Boeing subsidiary and part of the Digital Aviation business unit within Boeing Commercial Aviation Services. Boeing offers the industry’s largest portfolio of services, support and solutions, collectively known as the Boeing Edge, providing customers a competitive advantage by solving real operational problems, enabling better decisions, maximizing efficiency and improving environmental performance – intelligent information solutions across the entire aviation ecosystem.
Media Contact:
Brian Rantala
Falcon Perf performance tool paired with Jeppesen data enhances the overall flight process
EBACE, Geneva, Switzerland | 22 May 2013 | By Jeppesen
Jeppesen, a part of Boeing Digital Aviation, and Dassault Falcon today introduce a new version of its software solution to further optimize the flight preparation and performance calculation process for users of Falcon EASy Flight Deck series avionics.
The Falcon Perf takeoff and landing tool from Dassault integrates Jeppesen navigation data to increase operational efficiency and reduce pilot workload. The new version of Falcon Perf will run on a Windows 7 64-bit operating system and be compatible with the upgraded EASy II avionics suite, which was recently approved for use on all Falcon EASy aircraft. It will be available on 7X, 900DX/LX/EX EASy and 2000DX/LX/EX EASy models. Availability of the previous Windows XP 32-bit variant was limited to the Falcon 7X, 900EX EASy and Falcon 2000 EX EASy. The new Falcon Perf version is expected to be available for operators this summer.
Falcon Perf powered by Jeppesen data helps operators simplify pre-flight preparations and calculate takeoff and landing performance, in compliance with Dassault’s aircraft flight manual and operational regulations.
“Operators using EASy Flight Deck avionics backed with Jeppesen data and the Falcon Perf optimization tool receive essential airport data and runway analysis details as part of their operational flight information,” said Scott Reagan, director, Jeppesen OEM Client Management. “This solution reduces workload for Dassault Falcon flight crews, reduces paper-based materials in the cockpit and increases overall efficiency.”
Jeppesen airport data derived from NavData® navigation information and OpsData departure procedures are included in the solution, providing worldwide flight information. Takeoff and landing data cards are outlined by the tool as part of the aircraft performance calculations, while maximum takeoff and landing weights are also determined, per Dassault aircraft flight manual requirements. The Falcon Perf and Jeppesen solution also takes into consideration declared runway characteristics, departure procedure or missed approach climb requirements and obstacle data as part of the operational flight information package.
Jeppesen NavData is developed from a comprehensive aviation database, which is composed of more than one million records. To ensure accuracy, Jeppesen flight information analysts edit and verify approximately 150,000 database transactions generated from worldwide aviation data source documents during every 28-day revision cycle.
For more information on the industry-leading navigation, operations, training and optimization solutions provided by Jeppesen, please visit
About Jeppesen
For more than 75 years Jeppesen has made it possible for pilots and their passengers to safely and efficiently reach their destinations. Today, this pioneering spirit continues as Jeppesen delivers transformative information and optimization solutions to improve the efficiency of air and sea operations around the globe. Jeppesen is a Boeing subsidiary and part of the Digital Aviation business unit within Boeing Commercial Aviation Services. Boeing offers the industry’s largest portfolio of services, support and solutions, collectively known as the Boeing Edge, providing customers a competitive advantage by solving real operational problems, enabling better decisions, maximizing efficiency and improving environmental performance – intelligent information solutions across the entire aviation ecosystem.
Media Contact:
Brian Rantala