Jeppesen Expands E-Book Training Courseware Library

Multiple device and delivery options bolster training e-book availability
EAA AirVenture, Oshkosh, Wisc. | 29 Jul 2013 | By Jeppesen
Jeppesen, a part of Boeing Commercial Aviation Services, continues to expand its library of available training e-book titles, which provide a convenient option for mobile learning. New titles added to the Jeppesen training e-book collection include “Aircraft Gas Turbine Powerplant Textbook,” “Aviation Weather” and “Aviation Dictionary.”
Jeppesen offers customers delivery of its popular e-book training textbooks and materials directly through its site for use with multiple delivery platforms, including Apple iOS and Android devices, and PC and Mac computers. Jeppesen e-book titles are also available through the Apple iBookstore for iOS devices, including iPad and iPhone.
The new Jeppesen training e-book titles supplement its total training solution for student pilots and mechanics, flight schools, universities, current pilots and aviation maintenance technicians. A total of 12 Jeppesen e-book training titles are now available, including the popular Jeppesen Guided Flight Discovery and A&P Technician series.
“The expansion of our e-book library allows for student pilots to determine the format for delivery of training materials that best meets their individual needs,” said Julie Filucci senior manager, Jeppesen Aviation Training Solutions. “E-book versions of our training programs provide a highly interactive learning environment that is easily accessed in the classroom, in the lab or at home.”
Jeppesen e-book training programs feature highlighting, bookmarking, note taking and search capabilities to enhance learning. Users are also able to use hyperlink functionality to access additional Web-based information for student learning. Once downloaded, Jeppesen e-books do not require an internet connection, so students are able to access e-book features on the go.
Jeppesen e-books purchased through are protected using Adobe Content Server (ACS) digital rights management (DRM) software. Registering for a free Adobe ID is recommended to view e-book material purchased from Jeppesen.
To view available Jeppesen e-book version textbooks and materials, please visit More information on the complete Jeppesen training solution, including flight training, navigation services and business management functions, is available at
About Jeppesen
For more than 75 years Jeppesen has made it possible for pilots and their passengers to safely and efficiently reach their destinations. Today, this pioneering spirit continues as Jeppesen delivers transformative information and optimization solutions to improve the efficiency of air and sea operations around the globe. Jeppesen is a Boeing subsidiary and part of the Digital Aviation business unit within Boeing Commercial Aviation Services. Boeing offers the industry’s largest portfolio of services, support and solutions, collectively known as the Boeing Edge, providing customers a competitive advantage by solving real operational problems, enabling better decisions, maximizing efficiency and improving environmental performance – intelligent information solutions across the entire aviation ecosystem.
Media Contact:
Brian Rantala
Multiple device and delivery options bolster training e-book availability
EAA AirVenture, Oshkosh, Wisc. | 29 Jul 2013 | By Jeppesen
Jeppesen, a part of Boeing Commercial Aviation Services, continues to expand its library of available training e-book titles, which provide a convenient option for mobile learning. New titles added to the Jeppesen training e-book collection include “Aircraft Gas Turbine Powerplant Textbook,” “Aviation Weather” and “Aviation Dictionary.”
Jeppesen offers customers delivery of its popular e-book training textbooks and materials directly through its site for use with multiple delivery platforms, including Apple iOS and Android devices, and PC and Mac computers. Jeppesen e-book titles are also available through the Apple iBookstore for iOS devices, including iPad and iPhone.
The new Jeppesen training e-book titles supplement its total training solution for student pilots and mechanics, flight schools, universities, current pilots and aviation maintenance technicians. A total of 12 Jeppesen e-book training titles are now available, including the popular Jeppesen Guided Flight Discovery and A&P Technician series.
“The expansion of our e-book library allows for student pilots to determine the format for delivery of training materials that best meets their individual needs,” said Julie Filucci senior manager, Jeppesen Aviation Training Solutions. “E-book versions of our training programs provide a highly interactive learning environment that is easily accessed in the classroom, in the lab or at home.”
Jeppesen e-book training programs feature highlighting, bookmarking, note taking and search capabilities to enhance learning. Users are also able to use hyperlink functionality to access additional Web-based information for student learning. Once downloaded, Jeppesen e-books do not require an internet connection, so students are able to access e-book features on the go.
Jeppesen e-books purchased through are protected using Adobe Content Server (ACS) digital rights management (DRM) software. Registering for a free Adobe ID is recommended to view e-book material purchased from Jeppesen.
To view available Jeppesen e-book version textbooks and materials, please visit More information on the complete Jeppesen training solution, including flight training, navigation services and business management functions, is available at
About Jeppesen
For more than 75 years Jeppesen has made it possible for pilots and their passengers to safely and efficiently reach their destinations. Today, this pioneering spirit continues as Jeppesen delivers transformative information and optimization solutions to improve the efficiency of air and sea operations around the globe. Jeppesen is a Boeing subsidiary and part of the Digital Aviation business unit within Boeing Commercial Aviation Services. Boeing offers the industry’s largest portfolio of services, support and solutions, collectively known as the Boeing Edge, providing customers a competitive advantage by solving real operational problems, enabling better decisions, maximizing efficiency and improving environmental performance – intelligent information solutions across the entire aviation ecosystem.
Media Contact:
Brian Rantala