Jeppesen Introduces One-Year VFR+GPS Chart Subscription Service for Area and Enroute Charts

U.S. VFR+GPS chart subscription customers receive a 10 percent discount from retail pricing
Englewood, Colo. | 11 Nov 2010 | By Jeppesen
Jeppesen today introduces subscription services for its industry-leading U.S. VFR+GPS charts, available on an annual renewal basis. VFR pilots in North America are now able to automatically receive updated Area and Enroute charts, rather than purchase charts per each revision cycle.
“The introduction of one-year subscription services for Jeppesen VFR+GPS charts is an exciting development for our VFR customers, as they are able to now enjoy the convenience of automated delivery of the industry’s most accurate and complete VFR+GPS charts, without having to remember to track down the latest revision,” said Tim Huegel, director, Jeppesen Portfolio Management. “As an added benefit, Jeppesen VFR+GPS annual chart subscribers also will receive a pricing discount versus the regular retail pricing.”
Jeppesen U.S. VFR+GPS charts integrate FAA aeronautical information with state-of-the-art cultural, obstacle and terrain data, which deliver a new breed of VFR chart that complements modern GPS technology and devices. Intuitive symbols and contrasting colors allow for at-a-glance orientation and improved situational awareness.
Controlled airspace types and sectors are depicted with clear, crisp lines with intuitive airspace type and altitude labels on each boundary. Regardless of airspace type, proximity or complexity, a quick chart glance alerts pilots to what airspace they are in or near.
Available in two scales, the 1:250,000 Area chart is a high detail depiction of Class B airspace and the surrounding area. The 1:500,000 Enroute chart is oriented around actual VFR flight activity and covers areas that pilots typically fly – in many cases, resulting in fewer charts needed for flight.
VFR+GPS chart subscriptions are available for Jeppesen customers per individual chart used. Similar to Jeppesen IFR subscriptions, each VFR+GPS chart requires a separate chart subscription. Future plans call for development of “regions,” where subscription coverage would include a collection of Area and Enroute charts.
More details on the improved VFR+GPS chart series – as well as the current revision schedule – are available at One-year VFR+GPS subscriptions include two Area charts for $14.50 and two Enroute charts for $20.50, an approximate 10 percent discount from retail pricing. Jeppesen also provides VFR+GPS chart services for flight in Europe, the U.S. and South Africa.
For more information on the industry-leading navigation, operations, training and optimization solutions provided by Jeppesen, please visit
About Jeppesen
For more than 75 years Jeppesen has made it possible for pilots and their passengers to safely and efficiently reach their destinations. Today this pioneering spirit continues as Jeppesen delivers essential information and optimization solutions to improve the efficiency of air, sea and rail operations around the globe. Jeppesen is a subsidiary of Boeing Commercial Aviation Services, a unit of Boeing Commercial Airplanes.
Media Contact:
Brian Rantala
U.S. VFR+GPS chart subscription customers receive a 10 percent discount from retail pricing
Englewood, Colo. | 11 Nov 2010 | By Jeppesen
Jeppesen today introduces subscription services for its industry-leading U.S. VFR+GPS charts, available on an annual renewal basis. VFR pilots in North America are now able to automatically receive updated Area and Enroute charts, rather than purchase charts per each revision cycle.
“The introduction of one-year subscription services for Jeppesen VFR+GPS charts is an exciting development for our VFR customers, as they are able to now enjoy the convenience of automated delivery of the industry’s most accurate and complete VFR+GPS charts, without having to remember to track down the latest revision,” said Tim Huegel, director, Jeppesen Portfolio Management. “As an added benefit, Jeppesen VFR+GPS annual chart subscribers also will receive a pricing discount versus the regular retail pricing.”
Jeppesen U.S. VFR+GPS charts integrate FAA aeronautical information with state-of-the-art cultural, obstacle and terrain data, which deliver a new breed of VFR chart that complements modern GPS technology and devices. Intuitive symbols and contrasting colors allow for at-a-glance orientation and improved situational awareness.
Controlled airspace types and sectors are depicted with clear, crisp lines with intuitive airspace type and altitude labels on each boundary. Regardless of airspace type, proximity or complexity, a quick chart glance alerts pilots to what airspace they are in or near.
Available in two scales, the 1:250,000 Area chart is a high detail depiction of Class B airspace and the surrounding area. The 1:500,000 Enroute chart is oriented around actual VFR flight activity and covers areas that pilots typically fly – in many cases, resulting in fewer charts needed for flight.
VFR+GPS chart subscriptions are available for Jeppesen customers per individual chart used. Similar to Jeppesen IFR subscriptions, each VFR+GPS chart requires a separate chart subscription. Future plans call for development of “regions,” where subscription coverage would include a collection of Area and Enroute charts.
More details on the improved VFR+GPS chart series – as well as the current revision schedule – are available at One-year VFR+GPS subscriptions include two Area charts for $14.50 and two Enroute charts for $20.50, an approximate 10 percent discount from retail pricing. Jeppesen also provides VFR+GPS chart services for flight in Europe, the U.S. and South Africa.
For more information on the industry-leading navigation, operations, training and optimization solutions provided by Jeppesen, please visit
About Jeppesen
For more than 75 years Jeppesen has made it possible for pilots and their passengers to safely and efficiently reach their destinations. Today this pioneering spirit continues as Jeppesen delivers essential information and optimization solutions to improve the efficiency of air, sea and rail operations around the globe. Jeppesen is a subsidiary of Boeing Commercial Aviation Services, a unit of Boeing Commercial Airplanes.
Media Contact:
Brian Rantala