New Content Cooperation – Aircademy PPL Training Question Database Integration
Distance course upgrade: Aircademy training database integration now available for our Private Pilot Distance Course.
Our strategic cooperation with Aircademy now extends even further. The ECQB-PPL training databases are now integrated into our syllabus-based distance course product.
This leading training question database will help students to prepare for their authority examination with our refined and constantly updated ECQB-PPL.
The Boeing Learning Solutions distance course capabilities offer a comprehensive set of training assignments that lead students through their journey to becoming a private pilot.
The synergies give flight students and training organizations the opportunity to use a fully integrated training program that combines training databases and interactive learning materials, with the ability to record all training progress remotely and automatically.
We do not believe in memorizing questions – we believe in a proficient learning concept.
As a flight school / training organization or retailer, please contact us for more detailed information.
For more information about our cooperation with Aircademy, please click here.
Distance course upgrade: Aircademy training database integration now available for our Private Pilot Distance Course.
Our strategic cooperation with Aircademy now extends even further. The ECQB-PPL training databases are now integrated into our syllabus-based distance course product.
This leading training question database will help students to prepare for their authority examination with our refined and constantly updated ECQB-PPL.
The Boeing Learning Solutions distance course capabilities offer a comprehensive set of training assignments that lead students through their journey to becoming a private pilot.
The synergies give flight students and training organizations the opportunity to use a fully integrated training program that combines training databases and interactive learning materials, with the ability to record all training progress remotely and automatically.
We do not believe in memorizing questions – we believe in a proficient learning concept.
As a flight school / training organization or retailer, please contact us for more detailed information.
For more information about our cooperation with Aircademy, please click here.