The Top Business Flyer Posts of 2016
Thank you for making 2016 the best year yet for Jeppesen’sBusiness Flyer blog. To show our appreciation, we’re counting down the five most popular posts of the year in case you’re a new subscriber, want to reread some favorites or just want to see what everyone else read this year.
Here are our five most popular posts:
#5. Disruption Management: Thinking Big Picture Can Have a Big Impact
Posted: November 15, 2016
For many, the quickest route to disruption resolution seems best—likely because there’s another disruption waiting to be managed. But stepping back in the heat of the moment to think long term about a disruption may prove to be worth the time and effort.
#4. Five Simple Questions To Help With Your Next Fuel Search
Posted: January 14, 2016
Normally, getting fuel is simple. But what about those rare occasions when you travel to an unfamiliar place or your travel needs are growing faster than your fuel supplier’s network? Suddenly, trust, ease of scheduling, uneventful uplift and simplified billing (much less payment terms or the form payment takes) are things you can no longer take for granted.
#3. International Flight Planning Feeling Like Unfamiliar Territory? These Nine Tips Will Help
Posted: February 29, 2016
If you rarely plan international trips, or are facing your first, the added level of planning complexity and detail can seem daunting. But it doesn’t have to be.
#2. 10 Enhancements Coming Soon to a SID/STAR Chart Near You
Posted: December 6, 2016
Jeppesen is making ten enhancements to its IFR charts. While the enhanced charts may look a bit different, Jeppesen never lost sight of what an aeronautical chart was created to do—make flying safer and simpler.
#1. Four Chart Changes You Should Know About
Posted: February 16, 2016
While we’re always looking for ways to make our charts more effective, our commitment to optimal navigation and safe operations is unwavering. Check out these recent changes and see for yourself.
To date, Business Flyer has over 30 posts on topics ranging from those above, to ground handling, to global weather – and the list goes on. Feel free to browse them anytime by clicking here. In the meantime, we wish all the best in 2017!
Thank you for making 2016 the best year yet for Jeppesen’sBusiness Flyer blog. To show our appreciation, we’re counting down the five most popular posts of the year in case you’re a new subscriber, want to reread some favorites or just want to see what everyone else read this year.
Here are our five most popular posts:
#5. Disruption Management: Thinking Big Picture Can Have a Big Impact
Posted: November 15, 2016
For many, the quickest route to disruption resolution seems best—likely because there’s another disruption waiting to be managed. But stepping back in the heat of the moment to think long term about a disruption may prove to be worth the time and effort.
#4. Five Simple Questions To Help With Your Next Fuel Search
Posted: January 14, 2016
Normally, getting fuel is simple. But what about those rare occasions when you travel to an unfamiliar place or your travel needs are growing faster than your fuel supplier’s network? Suddenly, trust, ease of scheduling, uneventful uplift and simplified billing (much less payment terms or the form payment takes) are things you can no longer take for granted.
#3. International Flight Planning Feeling Like Unfamiliar Territory? These Nine Tips Will Help
Posted: February 29, 2016
If you rarely plan international trips, or are facing your first, the added level of planning complexity and detail can seem daunting. But it doesn’t have to be.
#2. 10 Enhancements Coming Soon to a SID/STAR Chart Near You
Posted: December 6, 2016
Jeppesen is making ten enhancements to its IFR charts. While the enhanced charts may look a bit different, Jeppesen never lost sight of what an aeronautical chart was created to do—make flying safer and simpler.
#1. Four Chart Changes You Should Know About
Posted: February 16, 2016
While we’re always looking for ways to make our charts more effective, our commitment to optimal navigation and safe operations is unwavering. Check out these recent changes and see for yourself.
To date, Business Flyer has over 30 posts on topics ranging from those above, to ground handling, to global weather – and the list goes on. Feel free to browse them anytime by clicking here. In the meantime, we wish all the best in 2017!