Upcoming flights – prepared with Jeppesen Charts in Navigraph’s simulations
Related to the Covid-19 situation, General Aviation flying in many countries and regions is very difficult or impossible with the understanding that nothing can compete with real flying by passionate pilots. However, not knowing how long the current break will last, and in case you would like to plan for new locations and trips ahead, there is the option to use Jeppesen IFR charts with Navigraph already now, with VFR charts coming with the next release. Jeppesen charts can be displayed in Navigraph’s chart viewing software on iOS and Android tablets, on Windows and Mac computers, as well as in most web browsers.
Have a look and try: www.navigraph.com
Additionally we would like to draw the attention of techy-savvy pilots on the following Covid-19 initiative run by Navigraph:
Donate computing power to speed up the search for a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine
No one can do everything, however everyone can do something! We have started a pro bono initiative inviting all members of the international flight simulation community to donate computing power to speed up the search for a vaccine against the coronavirus (COVID-19). The project is called Simmers Without Borders and is open for anyone in the flight simulation community – individuals, as well as organizations and companies. See this website for more information: simmerswithoutborders.org
Related to the Covid-19 situation, General Aviation flying in many countries and regions is very difficult or impossible with the understanding that nothing can compete with real flying by passionate pilots. However, not knowing how long the current break will last, and in case you would like to plan for new locations and trips ahead, there is the option to use Jeppesen IFR charts with Navigraph already now, with VFR charts coming with the next release. Jeppesen charts can be displayed in Navigraph’s chart viewing software on iOS and Android tablets, on Windows and Mac computers, as well as in most web browsers.
Have a look and try: www.navigraph.com
Additionally we would like to draw the attention of techy-savvy pilots on the following Covid-19 initiative run by Navigraph:
Donate computing power to speed up the search for a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine
No one can do everything, however everyone can do something! We have started a pro bono initiative inviting all members of the international flight simulation community to donate computing power to speed up the search for a vaccine against the coronavirus (COVID-19). The project is called Simmers Without Borders and is open for anyone in the flight simulation community – individuals, as well as organizations and companies. See this website for more information: simmerswithoutborders.org